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Top-Rated Troy, NY Commercial Restoration Services

Your business not only operates to support your community, family, and employees but is also a life-long dream that has finally come to fruition. When a severe disaster destroys what you’ve built, it can feel like everything is going wrong. However, ServiceMaster Restoration Services - Green Island is here to get things back on track with commercial disaster restoration services.

We partner with you and your employees to ensure you have the support to get your business operating again. Depending on the type of damage sustained and the severity, we can provide you with peace of mind and deliver a customer-focused experience that helps you reclaim your business and your life.

Emergency Disaster Response in Troy: Available 24/7

Typically, you can determine when a disaster will strike, but you can’t always predict how bad the damage will be. This is why our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to assist you in restoring your commercial facility.

Our commercial disaster services can help you after you’ve experienced:

  • Mold Remediation – Following severe floods or water damage after fighting a fire can come possible mold. Mold can infiltrate various surfaces and materials, culminating in a commercial space that’s unhealthy and uninhabitable. We get to work performing a mold inspection and removal efforts to make your business safe again.
  • Water Damage Recovery – Water damage doesn’t have to come from severe weather. A broken commercial appliance, damaged roof system, or malfunctioning sump pump can all contribute to significant amounts of water entering your facility. Our team is trained to handle water damage, remove carpets or flooring, locate the moisture source, and get to work recovering your business.
  • Fire Damage Restoration – Lingering ash, soot, and radiant heat can continue to damage your property even after the blaze is extinguished. Don’t let a fire disaster be all she wrote for your business. We can help you restore your business after a devastating fire, removing all the damaged parts and cleaning up so you can get back to work.
  • Weather-Related Repairs – Almost anything can damage your commercial facility, from high winds to heavy rain and everything in between. When the weather becomes an issue for your business, ServiceMaster Restoration Services - Green Island will be ready to help.

Trust our Troy restoration service experts to support you through any disaster that tries to destroy your livelihood. We offer compassionate guidance and support to help you and your employees get back on your feet faster.

Streamlined Restoration Process for Troy Businesses

Because disasters come in all shapes, sizes, and severity levels, you must have a reliable and proven process to get things in order. Our Troy restoration service specialists follow a detailed process to keep your business from closing permanently.

Comprehensive Damage Assessment

After your business is damaged by fire, water, weather, or mold, we have to get to the bottom of the destruction and locate all the areas that require our attention. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of your commercial property to determine what needs to be repaired and what we have to replace. Our team will assess your foundation, exterior, electrical, roof, and other vital systems.

Accurate and Prompt Restoration Estimates

Once our evaluation is complete, we draw up an itemized list of damaged possessions and equipment so that we can present you with an estimate for repairs or replacement. We take our time assessing everything, so our estimates are thorough and accurate. This estimate is then given to your insurance provider to review and approve to start the restoration project.

Contact Us Now for Immediate Disaster Restoration in Troy

Whatever the disaster, we’re here for you. Call (888) 678-7983 to get started today.